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Trigger point therapy, which is a kind of massage therapy which addresses muscle pain, is known as trigger point treatment. ν‰νƒμΆœμž₯ Trigger point therapy centers on the release of trigger points, often called tight knots, that are created in particular muscles and may cause the muscles to hurt elsewhere (a result that is referred to as secondary pain). Trigger point therapy involves placing consistent pressure on the tight spot until the knot softens and is then released. The knots which form within muscles may be due to overuse, inflammation, nerve injury, or bursitis. Trigger point therapy targets these knots to aid in restoring the normal function of affected muscles.The use of trigger point therapy is typically considered to be the initial line of defense in treating injuries to muscles. Over the years Trigger point massage has been employed to reduce tension and ease inflammation. Trigger point therapy is typically used in sportsmedicine to reduce inflammation of the muscles and tendons that surround injuries to the feet or hand. Swedish massage employs trigger points to alleviate tension from shoulders and neck. Trigger point massage has proven to be effective for helping manage and treat low back pain. Massage professionals and amateur practitioners can benefit from trigger point therapy.Trigger point therapy was invented by Dr. Mikao Usui, an Japanese practitioner and researcher who recognized the presence of microtraumas in the muscles when they were being activated. Microtraumas are merely tiny changes in tissue that occur when you exert the muscles on it. When Dr. Usui pressed his fingers against each other He felt a tiny discomfort and an impression between the fingers. Dr. Usui also observed that when he applied the same fingers against the muscles while in someone suffering from a strain, the fingers that were pressured began to ache greater than the other finger which was not.Dr. Usui suggested that this was because the brain misinterpreted applying two fingers to one the other as painful. Dr. Usui developed trigger point massages to ease the pain. This treatment method employs gentle pressure to release muscles with knots that are tight. The knots that are tight will start to relax over time. The muscles begin to relax and patients notice greater flexibility and mobility, as well as the relief of pain. The use of trigger point therapy is frequently used as a method for decreasing muscle spasms as well as protecting the muscles from further injury or strain.The Trigger Point Therapy works by applying pressure of a moderate, steady amount to the targeted area to loosen those tight muscle knots. To reduce scar tissue appearance, you can use small soft fibers or plastic brushes to gently press on knots. Even though trigger point massages do normally not needed to make use of the anesthetic method, it's possible to apply one if your skin becomes irritated.Trigger point massages are obtained over the telephone or via the internet making use of audio or video tutorials. Trigger Point Therapy can treat all kinds of chronic injuries and pain through a wide range of strategies. Trigger Point massage may help people suffering from headaches, pains in the knees and lower back, tendinitis, the tendinitis or other conditions that could result in the pain. Trigger Point Massage is known for its ability to treat several mental ailments, including anxiety depressive, depression, obsessive Compulsive disorder, personality disorders, and OCD. Trigger Point massage is also efficient in curing autism as well as cerebral palsy.An authorized massage therapist is able to perform trigger point therapy in the comfort of a massage chair in your home or with an e-shampoo. Trigger point massage chairs can be beneficial for women expecting or recovering from injuries. Trigger point therapy is a type of deep tissue massage . It may help relieve muscles spasms and tension caused due to tension. Trigger points are often neglected by most people due to their lack of pain and, however, when muscles are stressed and strained the trigger point can create painful knots of muscles. A massage therapist may use delicate pressure as well as specific strokes to relax muscles that are tight. Trigger point therapy can be described as a procedure which eases pain and removes muscle tension.Trigger points therapy aids you to loosen tight muscles and tissues throughout your body. Massage therapists focus on the areas in your body with excessive tension. This includes your shoulders, neck back, and legs. Sometimes, trigger points may be thought of as chronic tension but the difference between the two is that a trigger spot only becomes inflamed when it's stimulated however, a chronic tension condition can be present throughout your life. The trigger point massage is excellent for relieving tension and helping to ease pain.