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So you want to build an email marketing list? If you are like 99% of the people, you have probably found it either through another website or a blog, or even offline - at that point you may have been led to a sales page or some signup form where you were asked to enter in some information about yourself and your business. It's always a good idea to give potential customers your full name, phone number, email address, physical address, etc, so they can contact you with any questions or problems later. Of course, never share your email addresses with anyone.The problem with this method is that not everyone will provide you with their email addresses when they initially sign-up for your list. There are a variety of reasons why this might happen, but the most common is that they weren't invited to sign-up. Many websites use a subscription form on their pages. If someone sees that they are automatically added to a list, they may not realize they signed up for it. Instead, they just leave the page and move on to the next website.This doesn't mean you should ignore people who sign-up for your email lists. Your goal is to build a relationship with these people so that you can do business with them down the road. This article will help you understand how to build your email marketing list of topmm subscribers for your own personal use and in your own businesses.The first thing to consider when building rent email lists is where and how you plan to market your opt-in forms. If FrescoData are trying to get people to your site in large numbers, it makes sense to promote your opt-in forms on other websites. There are several ways this can be done, such as on article directories, in blog comments, and on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. These are all free methods of promotion that have been proven effective in getting people to view your opt-in form.If you are just beginning your marketing efforts online, you may want to focus on only a few websites. It is a good idea to target only a few of the biggest internet marketing forums, like the Warrior Forum. The reason why is because forum members tend to be very serious about their niche. They post thoughtful comments and articles, and are proud to share what they know. They have strong relationships with others in their community, and if you can establish a working relationship with them, it will go a long way towards building your email list.Another important factor when it comes to building email lists is to make sure that you can provide subscribers with a free product or service on a regular basis. Many people sign up for email marketing lists purely so they can receive freebies. For example, a free ebook may be sent out to all of the email addresses on a monthly basis, or a free video course streamed daily to a targeted niche of customers. By offering something of value to your customers on a regular basis, you are setting yourself up for long-term sales. People will return to your site and will be more likely to buy from you in the future.Do not try to sell anything to your subscribers. You should instead focus on helping your customers and building relationships with them. FrescoData will help you develop a large customer base that you can tap into at any point in time. You do not have to spend money to buy email lists; you can simply use free methods to generate quality email lists. One such method is article marketing. Simply write FrescoData related to your niche and then attach a link to your site or an opt-in page where they can enter their name and email address for future marketing activities.The important thing is that your emails stay interesting and informative. Nothing turns off your subscribers more than a letter that is completely dry and boring. Once you have hooked your readers, it is important that you send out information about your business every other day. As you build your email lists, you will see the benefits of email marketing listing creation.