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Weebly SEO Plugin is one among the many popular and highly used WordPress SEO plugins being used by more than five thousand blogs. One of its great features is the XML sitemapping tool which enables you easily originate all your sitemaps in WordPress. You do not need to code and fix it whenever something doesn't work so you save a lot of time.The Weebly SEO plugin enables you to optimize your site for highly searched keywords in various formats. For example, there are two ways by which you can rank higher in Google for a particular keyword. The first way is to pay for ads, such as Google AdWords. The second way is to attract quality traffic, such as by writing and publishing great articles and blog posts on your site. And with the Weebly SEO plugin, you get both of those benefits in just one great fit.It will organize all your incoming links in a neat way. This is done by creating a sitemap of your primary keywords that has all the anchor text links associated with them. After you customize your website or blog in terms of colors, themes and visual elements, the Weebly SEO plugin makes sure that you rank high for your primary keywords. And with the integrated Link Popularity tool, you can see how many other websites link back to your own. With this tool, you can be certain that you will rank higher for that keyword as well.In addition to ranking higher for your primary keywords, you can also benefit from the built-in Meta tags as well. This will allow you to display the right information about your site for the search engines and visitors alike. The Weebly SEO plugin will also enable you to utilize the custom sitemap page titles as well as the custom meta description page titles, which are two of the main Weebly SEO key factors that will help your site rise above the rest. You may also want to make sure that the plugin enables you to use the alternate version of your keywords, as well as page titles, instead of just using the main keywords.The Weebly SEO plugin also allows you to specify the alt image tag meta information. This will enable you to use your company's logo in the place of your image when you submit your website's meta tags. This can benefit your rankings in the search engines, as well as ensure that your image is displayed properly.Another thing that the Weebly SEO plugin will do for you is to generate your canonical urls. This can be used to increase the number of links that Googlebot will follow to a specific page on your website. However, canonical urls are only used for internal links within a page. You can also use these to gain higher rankings among other major search engines, and the plugin is capable of generating the canonical urls for you as well.This weebly SEO plugin will also enable you to implement the Google Sitemaps. This is an important feature that will ensure that you rank highly in the search engines. In addition to ranking high, the Sitemap will allow you to take full advantage of all of Google's tools and services. For instance, you can set the Sitemap to include additional attributes, such as the Google Maps link button or the Google calendar link button. Furthermore, you will be able to track the amount of time that it takes to load pages that are returned from the search engines. This is important for ensuring that your e-commerce site works correctly and that you rank highly in the search engines.One other great feature of this weebly seo plugin is its advanced sitemap. The advanced sitemap allows you to create and view the sitemap that Google uses for its own internal ranking algorithms. This can be extremely useful for understanding how your competitor's sites are ranked and how to improve your own site to rank highly in Google. It will also allow you to identify duplicate content issues, which Google monitors for. The last part of the plugin enables you to automatically build and place Googlemaps links to all of your pages, so that your customers will always find what they're looking for no matter where they are in the world.