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There is nothing quite like a Betta fish and that beauty is reflected in how they reproduce as well. The reproduction of a betta fish is fascinating, and it can give birth to about 50 to 200 fry in an aquarium!What is the reproduction method of the betta fish?Since Betta fish reproduce oviparously, they mate by fertilizing the female's eggs in an environment that is suitable for the fertilization.How do betta fish reproduce?When the male looks forward to spawning, the reproduction process begins. Through his mouth, he creates bubbles in the aquarium. The structures are usually quite large to accommodate a large number of eggs. Although the male builds this bubble nest exclusively, the female has been observed helping him finish it on rare occasions.This male will lure a female to the newly constructed nest by luring her under it. In the case of the female betta fish, reproduction occurs shortly after she releases her eggs. A striking part of courtship is the male hugging his partner, while bubbles fill the air.Once the male fertilizes them, the eggs fall to the bottom of the aquarium. Male rushes down them and picks each of them up in the bubbles that he made to protect them from harm. A male will closely watch and care for his young, which will hatch from their eggs in four to seven days and start swimming: you will be able to see small fry swimming near the water.What is the best way to reproduce betta fish?While breeding betta fish is difficult, but very rewarding , but It takes proper care and attention to make the operation successful: if you breed these fish, be prepared to devote two hours per day to their care. Keep reading if you want to learn how!Do I need any special equipment to reproduce beta fish?You will need the pair of betta fish in order to reproduce the fish. Preparing your water for both fish is crucial for a happy and healthy betta. Make sure your home is suitable for both fish.If you want to cross two animals, you must choose carefully: it is important to acquire them from experts so you can take into account their genetics and the results of the cross. In general, young betta fish reproduce better than old ones: the most fertile males are under 14 months old, older ones are usually very old, which makes it hard to tell what characteristics their pasts have included genetic.You should wait for them to settle before playing with them. Get the breeding tank ready when the time comes.Feeding live food to them near the breeding season is recommended. If feed your birds frozen food, such as shrimp or bloodworms, make sure it is quality food.You need to prepare food for the hatchlings: they only eat live food, so get a good supply of microworms while adhering to various hygiene rules. You can place the pair in a common tank once they have fed on live prey for a week or two. The face-to-face approach is crucial, so avoid confrontations or injuries. Before mating, they should get to know each other like this.When the male swims around or in front of the female, showing off his fins, you know the couple is seriously interested in each other. The female may exhibit vertical bars on her body or bow her head as an indication that she is submissive. The fact that they attack each other is reason enough not to permanently keep them together.As soon as the male builds the bubble nest and after the ritual of interest is completed, we must bring them together. A moment of idealization will occur once the dividing barrier and filter have been removed. Don't worry, the male may chase the female and even lightly bite her fins, but watch that the fish's life isn't endangered. In the tank, there are hiding places for the female, so she can hide if she wants.After the male has positioned the female under his bubble nest, breeding has begun. Rest of the process is left to nature. It is very likely that the male will keep chasing the female after spawning and fertilization. To introduce it back into her tank, gently remove it. In the early stages of the fry's development, only the male is responsible for caring for them. His treatment of the female's wounds is done with proper medications within her tank. In case the male doesn't eat, keep offering him food until he accepts it, he is very busy with his labors.