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In short, renting an email list basically means paying someone a third party an agreed upon amount, usually a reasonable fee, to use their email list in return for one unsolicited email blast. Of course email list renting can range from being totally affordable to charging outrageous fees. However, when renting an email list the owner is typically only required to send out an email to the list on your behalf with the link to your site. The customer does not receive an email and you do not receive an email from the list. This process allows you to continue to generate sales from an existing customer base and provide them another sales channel to buy products from.Of course email list renting can also vary based on the type of email addresses you are seeking. In short, there are two types of email addresses that you may be interested in renting. First, there are the free addresses which include the names, email addresses, and home addresses of individuals. Next, there are paid email addresses which include business email addresses, domains, and even social email addresses. You will need to research the availability of these types of addresses in order to rent the ones you need.There are certainly some advantages to renting email lists. For example if you want to create a mailing list of customers who have requested your product repeatedly, it can be very time consuming to request each customer individually. However renting a list allows you to create a targeted mailing list of recipients by matching their names with their email addresses. FrescoData becomes much easier to reach these individuals because they already have been contacted by you. It also enables you to quickly and easily identify customers who show interest in your products. In this manner, renting email lists allows you to better serve your clients.On the flip side of the coin however, there are many disadvantages to email lists. One of the main disadvantages is the time that it takes to update or make changes to the email lists that you are renting. If you do not update these email lists regularly, it may take you weeks or months to notice a difference in the amount of traffic that is visiting your website or offering you the opportunity to market your products and services.One disadvantage of renting email lists is that you are limited to the number of emails that you can request from the service provider. Most of these services offer only one-time use of their email marketing solutions and once that limit has been reached, your account will be disabled until you obtain another email list. This means that once you have gone through the trouble of renting the email lists you are using, you are unable to add more names to your account. That means that once that number is depleted, you will not be able to continue to lease from that particular service provider. The good news is, if you decide to switch hosting providers in the future, you may be able to keep your account active. However, this solution requires that you have already invested in one or more email marketing campaigns with the first host so if you decide to move, you will be losing the opportunity to earn an income through email lists.Another disadvantage of renting email lists from one of the many email list brokers on the Internet is that you will be subject to the same restrictions as those placed on other types of online vendors who attempt to resell consumer lists. For instance, some of these brokers may require that you agree to not copy and sell the contents of the lists to others. They may also prohibit the distribution of printed copies of the email marketing materials you create and send out to your client base. Some will insist that you submit articles that are relevant to the offer being offered by the company and some might even go so far as to request that you change the appearance of your materials to that of a professional publication to give them the appearance of legitimacy. While some of these restrictions may not seem like much to you, they can prove to be quite costly to you in the long run.Even worse than the potential restrictions and fees associated with email list rental is the fact that it is difficult and very time consuming to manually maintain your email lists. In order to guarantee your continued business success, it is imperative that you create mailing lists only after you have completed all of the necessary research necessary to determine how effective the mailing list is and whether or not your proposed marketing campaign is likely to generate the type of profits you are seeking. By renting mailing lists, you may find yourself paying over the odds when it comes to maintaining your current consumer mailing list. In addition to being difficult to maintain, the increased cost of the rental email lists can quickly put you in a financial bind if you are unable to pay the increased costs every month.If you want to save yourself the time and financial troubles associated with email list renting, it is highly suggested that you purchase your own list. While the process of purchasing your own list is not as complicated as you think, it is imperative that you carefully consider the steps involved to ensure that you are able to successfully market and sell to your current consumer base. In order to rent email lists, you will need to purchase your own consumer mailing list or your own list of opt-in email addresses. There are many professional and reputable companies that can provide you with the necessary information in order to determine which company would be the best fit for your online business.